man wearing a dark navy hoodie with the word graduate printed in white puff print

What exactly is puff printing?

Puff printing excels at accentuating specific design elements. Whether adding dimension to a logo or creating a textured background for a graphic, this technique allows for precise detailing. The raised effect draws attention to the intricacies of the design, ensuring that every element is highlighted.

women wearing a black crewneck sweatshirt with white text printed in puff print
close-up of light blue puff print on a white hoodie
A girl wears a puff ink printed sweatshirt with "Graduate" in white
A man wears a shirt with a very colorful puff printed design on the back

Make your design pop with the puff ink

Cost-Effective Alternative

If high-density screen printing is out of your budget, puff print offers a great solution. Unlike high-density printing, which may require up to 8 passes, puff print typically requires just one pass.

Perceived Value Boost

Elevate the appeal of your custom merchandise effortlessly with puff print. While the technique is straightforward, its effect appears intricate to the untrained eye, enhancing the perceived value of your products.

Mix and Match

Stand out by incorporating various techniques into your designs. Experiment with 3D puff prints selectively, accentuating only the borders of letters to create captivating visual layers on your garments.

man wearing a light tan color long sleeve t-shirt with puff print sticker graphics printed on it

Frequently Asked Questions

Puff Print